Structure and communication: the keys to project success

Projects are everywhere. You’re either part of one or managing one, even if you aren’t qualified to do so! In fact, many people have received little to no training in project management, but manage to deliver with structure and clear … Continue reading

Effective stakeholder communication and engagement

Effective stakeholder communication is the backbone of business success, but it comes with hurdles that can derail projects, strain relationships and jeopardise long-term goals. When they attend the Stakeholder Engagement™ and Think on Your Feet® workshops, our clients tell us … Continue reading

How do you survive delivering projects, when you aren’t a Project Manager?

Delivering projects when you aren’t a formal project manager presents unique challenges. Without the training or authority that typically comes with the role, you may face several obstacles that can impact the success of the project. Fundamental project management training … Continue reading

The magic ingredients behind great Project Managers

As you start working in projects, it’s tempting to think that all you need to do is buy some expensive project management software and – snap! – the project will be an overnight success! Sadly – while there is a … Continue reading

What to do when resources are cut from your project

In the current climate, nothing is certain. Project management is all about dealing with this uncertainty and risk. Projects deliver the future so you need to be flexible, agile and deliver the right outcomes (repeatedly).  To do this, you need … Continue reading

Giving a project update

Gilly Meek, Accredited Think on Your Feet® Trainer Project updates are a key part of landing projects successfully – it’s really important to keep stakeholders updated on progress. The way you deliver your updates can be the difference between your … Continue reading

Waterfall or Agile? How will you manage your projects?

Research shows that the majority of projects spend more time and money than estimated, and many also fail to meet customer needs accurately too. This means delivering poor customer value, and low confidence in project success. Many organisations are struggling … Continue reading

Make your projects work

By Trish Thirley, Master Trainer Project Management Often, the word ‘project’ elicits a groan from managers and staff alike. Overrunning, overspending or just not happening! Those are the typical pain points that our clients share with us when we talk … Continue reading

Create a culture of dynamic meetings

Most meetings don’t work hard enough. Don’t take our word for it: A 2016 study estimates that inefficient meetings cost the UK economy £582m per week, with one in three people reporting that many of their meetings are unnecessary. 95% … Continue reading

Three challenges Managing Projects™ helps to solve:

The frustration of never-ending projects that drag on and drag you down. Stops ‘risk’ from being a chore, making it your best ally for saving time and effort. Avoids the pain and humiliation of failure, by ensuring success. Tips Use … Continue reading

Raise your productivity

By Trish Thurley, Master Trainer Project Management “UK productivity gap widens to worst level since records began – growing gulf means UK workers produce significantly less per hour than G7 average”. The Guardian, Feb 2016. It’s a real concern for … Continue reading

Ready, set, go – does your organisation support projects?

By Trish Thurley, Project Management Master Trainer Virtually anyone in business today will be working on some kind of project, most being initiated by someone more superior to us. They may be large, with multiple colleagues in a project team, … Continue reading

Research: Supporting the management of change

Change is something that we are all experiencing more often. Any kind of project will initiate some kind of change, whether that’s a change to the way you communicate with clients to a restructure of a team. It’s important for … Continue reading

Reducing project failure… an article for Project Sponsors

Projects are a great way to manage change. But with more and more projects clamouring for the same resources, some are likely to fail. Add increased pace, increasing levels of complexity and ambiguity, and achieving project success becomes extremely difficult. … Continue reading

Project management for non-project managers

Project management, a profession for some – for others, it’s a requirement as well as their day job, no matter what role or level of seniority. As a marketer I manage projects on a daily basis, having never been project … Continue reading

Change – is inevitable…

Change in business is constant. The 2016 World Economic Forum Annual Meeting, in Davos, focused on ‘employment, skills and human capital’. It found that successful organisations need to ensure their employees have the skills to be able to innovate, evaluate … Continue reading

Before starting a project…

We’ve heard from our clients that no matter what the individual’s role, they will have projects to look after. Large or small, simple or complex, these individuals are often not project management qualified. This is presenting a challenge for organisations … Continue reading

Indigo Update – Autumn 2015

Welcome to our Autumn Indigo Update. There’s been a lot going on behind the scenes here at Indigo. We’ve been listening to your feedback, and over the next few months we’ll be bringing you some more exciting launches and offers – fulfilling our mission to … Continue reading

DO sweat the small stuff – why detail makes all the difference to project success…

Written by Robert Fisher – 10.06.2015 Even if you are not familiar with cycling, you will no doubt know who Sir Bradley Wiggins is, or at least recognise the name. After his success of winning the Tour de France and … Continue reading

Lean project management – isn’t that the point?

When an organisation needs to make a strategic improvement, it needs to flex its project management muscles.  Good project managers get to work defining and planning the project – identifying key deliverables.  The deliverables are the benefits that will be … Continue reading

Your project’s failed – You’re fired!

With the Apprentice TV programme in full flow on the BBC, I could not resist using this headline for my latest blog. However, this is not an uncommon response in the real world! Projects are often high risk low reward. Often, if your projects are a success, you are then tasked with a new, higher risk project, with little praise for your success to date! If (as many can be) you have an unsuccessful project, it can be expensive and embarrassing! Continue reading

The Indigo Simulations Webinar: Playing computer games at work improves your management skills.

We are thrilled to announce there are a few more places available at our free “The Managing Stakeholders Simulation Webinar on the 6th November at 2pm. The webinar gives an overview of our globally delivered Managing Stakeholders simulation, demonstrates why Simulations are the cutting edge of management development, and lets you see the simulations process itself. Registration for this unique event is completely free of charge. Simply book your place at this event by going to: Continue reading

Try Before You Buy – The Free Webinar Line-Up

In these cost conscious times,we appreciate that it is often difficult to get approval to attend a workshop. For this reason we have created a number of FREE webinars to help you gain a clearer understanding of our events, before you decide which one to attend. Continue reading

Avoiding the pitfalls and risks with project management!

I recently came across a series of quotes regarding project management and thought I would share them! In essence, they take a humorous angle to the potential risks with project management. Enjoy! – “A badly planned project will take three … Continue reading