How often do we deliberately design comfort for others? In an argument do we seek to design a comfortable way for the other party to accept defeat? Continue reading
Six Hats = Smart Business – nothing silly about it!
Recently, while keeping an eye on the virtual market place, we noticed that someone had taken our YouTube clip of Dr. Edward de Bono describing the Six Thinking Hats®, and added Arabic sub-titles to it! Continue reading
Sometimes you just have to speak up…
My 17 year old niece Ella has made it through to the final stages of Channel 4’s called . Ella’s campaign is called Let’s Talk Disability. See why we need a rethink at
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What’s keeping the CEO’s of global businesses up at night?
In this new era of perpetual change, rapid innovation and global competition, it may come as no surprise to learn that recent surveys indicate CEO’s worry most about… wait for it …UNCERTAINTY! Continue reading
Six Thinking Hats® in action at mark-making*
At Indigo we are always eager to hear from our clients after their training. The key measure of Indigo’s success is how our customers benefit from the practical use of our Creativity, Communication and Project Management training. Here is a … Continue reading
What do an Investment Manager, Head of Engineering and Patent Attorney have in common?
Well, for a start they are all experts in their chosen professions. But, my reason for sharing is that they were all delegates at Indigo’s August Think on Your Feet® workshop in London. Why? Because while they are experts, they need help to … Continue reading
Indigo joins Facebook…
Join Indigo on Facebook Continue reading
Have your cake and eat it – Nurture the best talent and save money
Recent talent research points to fantastic savings that can be achieved whilst ensuring you retain the very best talent in your organisation. Figures from the Association of Graduate Recruiters, for example, show if a business can increase retention from 50% … Continue reading
How loud is your Leadership Vuvuzela?
You are probably asking yourself – how does the Vuvuzela relate to leadership? Well, during the Thought Leadership workshop Robin talks about one of the fundamental principles of leadership: amplification. Some leaders do not realise the power and affect their words and actions have on others in their organisation. Because of their position, everything they do is amplified and then analysed. This is especially true in times of uncertainty. This amplification effect is not always fully understood. But to be a great leader you need to embrace it and use it effectively. Continue reading
What is the secret to writing success? Indigo’s writing expert, Richard Spencer, spills the beans…
An exciting mix of private and public sector clients have gathered at Indigo’s 2-day Writing Dynamics™ workshop in London. Everyone at the event is there to improve their written documents. The great news is that they are in the right … Continue reading
Mastering Skills
Skill, innovation, Edward de Bono, communication, Project Management Continue reading
Lean thinking and creative thinking comes to life with Simplicity
Leaders in the public and private sector are being driven to do more with less. On the surface this does not seem to be rational. Surely the best we can hope for is doing the same with less? Since its … Continue reading
Edward de Bono Meets Thai Prime Minister
BANGKOK, 6 March 2010 – Originator of Lateral Thinking, Edward de Bono yesterday met Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva at the Government House. He praised Thai government for the proclaimation of National Creative Economy Policy. Read more at
Mission Impossible?
You don’t need to look at many company websites before you realise that most organisations claim to be creative. Their bold mission statements are very clear – being ‘creative’ and ‘innovative’ is what sets them apart from their competitors. But … Continue reading
Think on Your Feet – LIVE!
For many people uninterested in politics, this way of viewing candidates may lead to people voting for the politicians communication skills – not thier policies. So for a masterclass in Think on Your Feet® plans in action, watch the debate to see Think on Your Feet® LIVE! Continue reading
No nonsense, fixed fee Assessment Services. Really?
Having worked in the assessment industry for the last 15 years, I have often reflected on the lack of transparency in the services offered and in particular pricing. Listening to past colleagues speaking with clients has often reminded me of … Continue reading
Turn up the air con: this organisational ‘heat’ is stifling my thinking
On a recent business trip to Humberside I travelled from London’s Kings Cross to Hull. A train journey I have happily completed on a number of occasions. Apart from this time: the carriages were sweltering for the entire 2 hours … Continue reading
Can life really be made more ‘simple’?…
Yesterday in Central London, 24 delegates at Indigo’s Simplicity™ workshop were finding out. Dr Edward de Bono’s workshop follows the success of his globally-renowned Simplicity book, and helps people recognise the value and need for simplicity, teaching a range of … Continue reading
ROI with ROEye
Clients are telling us that Return On Investment (ROI) is the primary consideration when making any strategic decision. And rightly so in these turbulent times. Whether in the private, public or charitable sector competition is fierce. Each pound spent needs … Continue reading
Can’t beat Tiger Woods? Give up golf!
· Certain people are born excellent communicators. Correct. · Others are naturally creative. Correct. · I am neither, and never will be. Wrong! Vital business skills, such as communication and creativity, can be learnt practised and mastered using practical techniques. … Continue reading
The de Bono Weekly Message – Think – before it’s too late
My latest book is called ‘THINK: before it is too late’. In it I suggest that the biggest problem facing humanity is not climate change but inadequate thinking. We are very complacent and even proud of our thinking. We … Continue reading
Lean project management – isn’t that the point?
When an organisation needs to make a strategic improvement, it needs to flex its project management muscles. Good project managers get to work defining and planning the project – identifying key deliverables. The deliverables are the benefits that will … Continue reading
Fog on the Leith! Writing Dynamics to the rescue!
June 30th 2009. Just back from a successful Writing Dynamics™ workshop at Malmaison hotel in the Leith Docks of Edinburgh. One of the aims of the programme is to help people cut down the amount of waffle, jargon and cliche in … Continue reading
The de Bono Weekly Message – Creativity and the Risk Factor
Too often people think of creativity as being concerned with new products, new services and new markets. All of these imply a risk factor. So in difficult times people tend to reduce their creative efforts. It could be argued … Continue reading