training your people, making companies better

better thinking | better communication | better projects

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Structure and communication: the keys to project success

Projects are everywhere. You’re either part of one or managing one, even if you aren’t qualified to do so! In fact, many people have received little to no training in project management, but manage to deliver with structure and clear … Continue reading

Time and people, the ingredients of project success

By Trish Thirley, Master Trainer Project Management The saying goes, “You’ve got the same hours in the day as Einstein, Mozart or Ghandi – so don’t tell me you don’t have time!” A common question on our project management workshops … Continue reading

Essential soft skills for graduates

Most newly employed graduates have the sector-specific knowledge required to hit the ground running, yet many lack the fundamental practical core skills that prevent them actually doing the job and reaching their full potential. These transferable skills, used across the … Continue reading

Engaging stakeholders

The skills required to understand, engage, manage and communicate with stakeholders. By Trish Thurley, Indigo Master Trainer and Richard Evans Stakeholder management can be the difference between success and failure for anyone who has to deal with other people. Who … Continue reading

Listen – to be more influential

Experts say the ability to express yourself verbally often reaps influence. There is evidence (Journal of Research in Personality) that being an effective listener is also as important. Effective listening is two-way, it: Prevents miscommunication. Confirms understanding of the message. … Continue reading

Selling your ideas – stakeholder communication

Our blended, computer simulation based, Stakeholder Engagement (including Simulation)™ defines a stakeholder as ‘anyone that can affect what you are trying to achieve.’ Engaging and communicating with these groups is core to business and project success. These include colleagues, customers, … Continue reading

Before starting a project…

We’ve heard from our clients that no matter what the individual’s role, they will have projects to look after. Large or small, simple or complex, these individuals are often not project management qualified. This is presenting a challenge for organisations … Continue reading

DO sweat the small stuff – why detail makes all the difference to project success…

Written by Robert Fisher – 10.06.2015 Even if you are not familiar with cycling, you will no doubt know who Sir Bradley Wiggins is, or at least recognise the name. After his success of winning the Tour de France and … Continue reading

Bridging the Oil & Gas Project Management skills gap

There are other areas where we need to explore new ideas and agree the best way forward, for example in filling positions in disciplines such as design engineering and project management, which are proving the most difficult to fill. Continue reading

Love from Indigo – your Valentine gift from us…

With love in the air, and as Valentine’s Day approaches, we at Indigo would  like to share the love by giving you a heart warming 20% off selected open workshops – but only for the next 48 hours. There are 27 open … Continue reading

Think on Your Feet: 3 Steps to Success – Top Tip No. 3 – Remember the rule of threes to stay on track.

Our final ‘Top Tip’ is this series looks at when we are subject matter experts and get wrapped up in too much detail. If we are passionate, our emotions override our logic and we ramble. Continue reading

It ain’t what you do, it’s the way that you do it

Bill Barnett – 8th May 2013 I had a fantastic day training yesterday, courtesy of my good friends at Indigo, playing on their “Stakeholder Engagement (including Simulation)™” simulator. The simulator is a great piece of kit, which actually takes participants … Continue reading

Last Managing Stakeholders Simulation places available – London, 26 November 2012

Indigo Simulations – Because practice make perfect projects…

We are thrilled to say that we have just a handful of places remaining at our Managing Stakeholder Simulation on the 26 November 2012 in London. The one day workshop blends team interaction, expert training and live interactive computer simulations for a truly remarkable and very different learning experience. Continue reading

The Indigo Simulations Webinar: Playing computer games at work improves your management skills.

We are thrilled to announce there are a few more places available at our free “The Managing Stakeholders Simulation Webinar on the 6th November at 2pm. The webinar gives an overview of our globally delivered Managing Stakeholders simulation, demonstrates why Simulations are the cutting edge of management development, and lets you see the simulations process itself. Registration for this unique event is completely free of charge. Simply book your place at this event by going to: Continue reading