Gilly Meek, Accredited Think on Your Feet® trainer.
You’re stood by the coffee machine, a Director happens to bump into you and asks you how things are going with that project you’ve been working on with her team. You open your mouth to answer her. And what comes out? Absolutely nothing! Your mind goes blank.
You won’t be alone. This ‘mind going blank’ situation happens to all of us at times. So how do we overcome it? The key is to have a strategy that gives you something to say, when you can’t think of what to say!
Think on Your Feet®
That’s exactly what Think on Your Feet® does for you. It provides you with ‘structures’ you can use to package information in those ‘on-the-spot’ moments, when you are at risk of your mind going blank.
So how does it work?
Think on Your Feet® ‘structures’ show you how to package your responses around three key points. When you are put on-the-spot you simply state your three key points up front, giving you a structure to follow for your response as you have now set out the agenda. This technique is extremely powerful and during our 2-day
Think on Your Feet® workshop we look at six different ways to package information when you’re put on the spot. By the end of it you never need worry about your mind going blank again. Find out more about Think on Your Feet®…

More about Gilly Meek
Gilly is an accredited Think on Your Feet®, Lateral Thinking, Six Thinking Hats®, The Skilled Presenter™ and Stakeholder Engagement (including Simulation)™ trainer and has delivered these workshops to numerous clients. Gilly also trains in management skills, negotiation skills, facilitation skills, impact and influence, and time management.
Prior to joining Indigo, Gilly managed the learning and development function for Global Radio, the UK’s largest radio organisation; training and coaching employees across a number of brands including Heart, LBC and Galaxy Radio. She has also led global initiatives for numerous multi-national organisations – including the design and delivery of management, leadership and soft-skills programmes.