How to master the art of thinking quickly on your feet.

Caught off guard by a question at work, do you blurt out the first thing that comes to mind? Or do you take a moment to marshal your thoughts? Continue reading

Do you sound like the expert that you are?

“I know everything there is to know about my product, business and industry”. We are all specialists and experts in our given field/areas. We can speak for hours on end in terms of what we do, how we do it, … Continue reading

Death vs. Public Speaking – And the winner is…

I read an article the other day about the comedian Jerry Seinfeld – recalling his standup routine lampooning a survey, which found that people’s number one fear was “public speaking”, with “death” coming in second. Continue reading

Think on Your Feet – LIVE!

For many people uninterested in politics, this way of viewing candidates may lead to people voting for the politicians communication skills – not thier policies. So for a masterclass in Think on Your Feet® plans in action, watch the debate to see Think on Your Feet® LIVE! Continue reading

Good Communication – the most important aspect of staff recruitment and retention..!

I read a recent survey of recruiters with interest. In essence, the conclusion of the survey on companies with more than 50,000 employees, cited communication skills as the single most important decisive factor in choosing managers. The survey, conducted by … Continue reading