training your people, making companies better

better thinking | better communication | better projects

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About Carole Williams

Carole Williams is an influential senior manager with over 20 years' experience in service operations, managing performance development and training across all levels. She is an accredited trainer in Edward de Bono’s Six Thinking Hats® , Lateral Thinking™ and Simplicity™, as well as the communication suite of workshops Think on Your Feet®, Writing Dynamics™, and The Skilled Presenter™.

Making your words effective and dynamic

We all know that time is money: constructing documents, presenting or in dialogue. And the time it commands from your recipient to read, attend or listen. Whatever we write and say has to hit the mark. It doesn’t matter how … Continue reading

Do you plan what you say?

During my career I have received and delivered communication skills training, achieving both effective and candid outcomes. Much of this development has been preparing what I would say in any given scenario – and it’s served me well. However, there … Continue reading

Add IMPACT To What You Say

There have been times in my career when I had business VIP visits and opportunities to make an impact; to show just what an expert I was. I would be asked an easy question such as “how’s the project going?” … Continue reading