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Leading your teams to support strategic thinking

Richard Morris, Accredited Trainer Many people see the role of strategy creation to be that of senior leaders. It’s pertinent that they position the future state of the business, the Vision, the Why? Yet developing the strategy (what we will do to help deliver that vision) shouldn’t purely be the obligation of that team! An article in Forbes 2019, listed 2 of the top 7 traits of great strategic thinkers as ‘Perceptiveness’ and ‘Flexibility’.

  • Perceptiveness – recognising that others have different thinking strengths – playing on those helps collaboration right at the start.
  • Flexibility – seeking thoughts from others in creating new ideas. Using the team in idea generation, looking for alternatives and overcoming problems, helps in the delivery of the strategy and making the vision reality.

In Dr. Edward De Bono’s Lateral Thinking workshop we help participants to define the strategic focus, creating new emerging ways of doing something i.e., areas where ideas could be beneficial. Acting with a purpose in mind to generate ideas that will overcome problems, challenge existing methods or seek out new opportunities. Skilled strategic thinkers use the thinking prowess of their teams to create new diverse perspectives. For any leader, collaboration is key. By taking their teams on the journey with them at the strategic intent stage and investing in their creative energy, it’s then easier to formulate and implement that strategy. The leader has created, what John Kotter describes as ‘Building a Guiding Coalition’ – an army of volunteers born of its own ranks, to help guide, engage and excite its own activities. The Lateral Thinking workshop develops the practical skills required to support and develop strategic and creative thinking. From the vision to the result. We do this by:

  • Creating the right focus for our attention. Redefining and defining our focus means we are far more likely to address those strategic needs at the first time of asking.
  • Learning four idea generating techniques which help generate ideas systematically and at will.
  • Strengthening and shaping ideas. Reviewing ideas against potential barriers and stakeholder needs, making the ideas stronger and overcoming objections.
  • Assessing those ideas to make them realistic and practical to execute.

More about Richard Morris Richard is an accredited Think on Your Feet®, Writing Dynamics™, Lateral Thinking and Six Thinking Hats® trainer and has delivered these workshops to numerous clients.

From an organisational development context, he has created and implemented a new leadership behavioural framework and set of associated flagship leadership development programmes.