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Six Hats = Smart Business – nothing silly about it!

Six Thinking Hats

Q: What thinking system works equally well in all cultures around the globe?

A:  The Six Thinking Hats®

Recently, while keeping an eye on the virtual market place, we noticed that someone had taken our YouTube clip of Dr. Edward de Bono describing the Six Thinking Hats®, and added Arabic sub-titles to it!! 

Initially our gut feel, Red Hat, was one of dismay that someone had copied our clip… but then someone said “what’s the Yellow Hat”, we found an important value. Someone took the time to make our clip accessible to many more people around the world. In fact, when we thought about it, this effort by our ‘anonymous translator’ is yet another demonstration of the global impact and importance of the Six Thinking Hats® framework.

For those of you that come across sceptics that think Six Thinking Hats® sounds silly.  You can be armed with the confidence that the Six Thinking Hats® is a framework that has been proven time and time again to deliver important value.  For over 20 years the Six Thinking Hats® has been, and continues to be, in use at many of the largest most successful organisations across the planet.  It is used by some of the smartest minds in the world today, and helps people think about solutions to world issues, in business and even in education – to help children improve their thinking… the list goes on.

If people still say it sounds silly; then were fine with that.  After all, other members of the “silly sounding name club” include the likes of Google, Twitter, Virgin, Apple… sounds pretty SMART to us.

The Six Thinking Hats®… it may sound silly but it’s one of the smartest, most influential processes for global businesses today!


WANT TO LEARN THE SIX THINKING HATS®?  CLICK HERE for full workshop dates and costs.