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Struggling to get your message across to a non-technical audience?

Bridging the communication gap: How Think on Your Feet® transforms technical experts

As a technical expert, I’ve often found myself in the challenging position of explaining complex solutions to non-technical audiences. Whether it’s during a meeting with stakeholders, a presentation to potential clients or even a casual conversation with colleagues from different departments, the difficulty remains the same: how do you convey intricate information with clarity, brevity and impact?

Recently, I had the opportunity to attend the Think on Your Feet® workshop offered by Indigo and it was a game-changer. This training equipped me with practical techniques to enhance my communication skills, allowing me to bridge the gap between technical complexity and clear, impactful messaging. Here’s how it addressed some common problems I faced and transformed my approach.

Problem 1: Overcoming jargon and technical language

  • Challenge: Technical jargon and industry-specific terms are second nature to us, but they can alienate or confuse a non-technical audience. The risk is that essential points get lost in translation.
  • Think on Your Feet® solution: The workshop emphasises the use of plain language and analogies. It taught me to simplify my explanations without dumbing them down. For instance, instead of saying “We need to refactor the codebase to improve the system’s scalability,” I learned to say, “We need to reorganise our software’s structure to handle more users efficiently.”

Problem 2: Structuring information logically

  • Challenge: When dealing with complex information, it’s easy to lose the audience by presenting it in an unstructured or overly detailed manner.
  • Think on Your Feet® solution: The workshop introduced structured communication templates that help in organising thoughts logically. The structured plans I learnt ensure that my messages are clear and follow a coherent story/structure. These methods allow me to present information in a way that’s easy to follow and understand, ensuring my key points are highlighted effectively.

Problem 3: Making an impact quickly

  • Challenge: Attention spans are short. It’s crucial to capture and retain the audience’s interest from the get-go.
  • Think on Your Feet® solution: The workshop provided strategies for impactful openings and closings. I learned to start with a strong hook by announcing my ‘pegs’ upfront and again at the end for a memorable summary or call to action. This approach ensures that my messages are not only heard, but also remembered. For example, beginning my communications with “let me tell you about the three reasons why our solution is right for this issue – reason 1, reason 2 and reason 3… now let me tell you about these in detail…”

Problem 4: Responding under pressure

  • Challenge: Unexpected questions or the need to provide quick, on-the-spot explanations can be daunting, leading to nervousness and muddled responses.
  • Think on Your Feet® solution: The workshop includes techniques for thinking clearly under pressure. I now feel more confident handling impromptu questions and discussions. The method encourages breaking down the questions into manageable parts and addressing them one by one, ensuring I stay composed and deliver coherent answers. I’m now taking control of these situations, having time to think and not get flustered.

Problem 5: Connecting with diverse audiences

  • Challenge: Non-technical audiences vary widely in their familiarity with technical topics, making it hard to tailor messages effectively.
  • Think on Your Feet® solution: The workshop highlighted the importance of knowing your audience and adapting your communication style accordingly. It provided insights into audience analysis and customisation of messages to meet their needs and interests. I’m now able to switch between high-level overviews and detailed explanations, based on the audience’s level of understanding and interest.


The Think on Your Feet® techniques have been instrumental in transforming my communication skills. It has equipped me with the tools to convey complex technical information with clarity, brevity and impact. By overcoming jargon, structuring information logically, making impactful statements, responding under pressure and connecting with diverse audiences, I now communicate more effectively and confidently. For any technical expert facing similar challenges, I highly recommend this training as a valuable investment in your professional development.